*Additional shipping charges may apply to this item due to size, weight or special handling. The dealer will contact you if an additional surcharge is required.
DESCRIPTION: Reman Solenoid #87420952R features:
100% remanufactured – thoroughly disassembled, cleaned, tested and remanufactured to the latest OEM specifications
100% parts replacement – includes bearings, brushes, bushings, seals, o-rings, gaskets and solenoids
Design upgrades are incorporated in the remanufacturing process to maximize engine efficiency during startup
20-40% savings versus new
12-month parts and labor warranty when installed at an authorized dealership
With benefits ranging from more product offerings to less downtime during installation, there are more reasons than ever to choose CNH Industrial Reman parts for your equipment. We're committed to using state-of-the-art techniques, strict salvage guidelines, advanced manufacturing systems and unequaled quality control.